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Ferris Public Library

Gift/Donation Policy

The Ferris Public Library welcomes gifts of new and used books copyright date within the last 5 years, audio recordings, videos, and similar materials. No magazines will be accepted. All donations become the property of the Library, with the exception of exhibits, and if not added to the Library's collection, may be given to other libraries and non-profit agencies, sold, traded, or discarded. The Library will acknowledge receipt of donated items, but it is not appropriate for library staff to set values for donated materials. If items are being donated to obtain a tax benefit, it is the donor's responsibility to establish a fair market value or obtain expert assistance in establishing any value. The Library also reserves the right to decide when a gift added to the collection must be withdrawn from the Library's collection.

Monetary gifts will be deposited into the City of Ferris' General Fund for distribution to the Library's budget in the following year. Specific titles or subject requests are subject to purchase in the next fiscal year and must meet the Library's selection criteria.

Memorial gift donations will be provided with a "In Honor Of" or "In Memory Of" bookplate.